So Hannah didn't even know what a Rube Goldberg was and after finding out she said something to the effect of "why is that fun?". Well the answer to that question is in the video above.
This video was made as an official music video for the band Ok Go. This isn't their only really cool video. If you haven't already seen their treadmill video for the song "Here It Goes Again" then you should watch that here.
Okay folks. We had this dilemma here at The Lunch Box and I don't mean that we dropped our sandwich...
I found this really funny video from a while back and I just showed it to Jerry. He wanted to post it but I wasn't so sure. It's a bit inappropriate and I could stop thinking "My sister reads this blog!" Well, after minutes of serious deliberation we decided it's fine as long as we label it NSFW. For those of you who don't know, NSFW generally means it's inappropriate.
Oh by the way there isn't actually any pornography here. It's just a joke but there is some pretty intense imagery.