OnLive may actually be pulling itself together into the incredible service it promised over a year ago.
On December 2nd OnLive will release their microconsole which will allow people to use the Onlive service, which is already on PC+Mac, on their TV's.  For more information on what this little thing can do and why it's important read this article on Gizmodo.  You can also learn more on their site:

It's a hamster... on a piano... and it's eating popcorn.
Also the song is pretty sweet.

I don't know why this isn't already on our blog. It belongs here.
This is part of a scene from early in the first episode of Firefly.
If you've never seen Firefly I recommend it. It's one of the best
sci-fi shows ever and it's pretty easy to get into because there
are only 14 episodes.
You can watch it here on Hulu.

Definitely one of my favorite scenes from Stargate SG-1.
Michael Shanks is just such a great actor.

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